BNCC Events

Annual General Meeting 2017

Southern Cross Lounge

6 November 2017 at 5.30 pm

at Southern Cross Lounge, Kedron-Wavell Services Club
Hamilton Road, Chermside Q 4032

Brisbane North Chamber of Commerce (BNCC) has delivered a year of achievement. Membership continues to grow as more businesses are seeing the benefits of belonging to this energetic, progressive and supportive chamber.

We would like to invite all our members to join us for BNCC’s 2017 Annual General Meeting (AGM) to hear about the achievements to date, exciting initiatives that we are looking to pursue over the next 12 months and to participate in the selection of the next Executive Committee.

At the Annual General Meeting, one half of the members of the Management Committee must retire from office, but are eligible upon nomination for re-election.

Continuing committee members are:

Dan Buzer
Richard Froehlich
Jo Hassan
Andrew Konefal

The committee would also like to acknowledge the hard work of our outgoing members, Jason Borody, Vividus and Denis Keating, Everest Resources.

Eight committee positions are open for election and the following nominations have been received.

Click here for list of nominees and their profiles.

Please note Night Owls Evening Networking will be held at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting.

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Upcoming Events

  • International Women's Day Long Lunch
    The Brisbane North Chamber of Commerce invites you to our annual International Women’s Day Long Lunch—a signature event celebrating the invaluable contributions of women to our business communities and beyond.
  • March Night Owls Networking
    Come along and network with like-minded people in a fun, casual environment. Have a drink and meet new people. You might even find a new supplier or client needing your service.
  • Workshop Series: Design, Digital Marketing & Implementation
    Join us to learn and implement the latest in innovation strategies and digital marketing. Each session builds progressively, offering the perfect blend of knowledge and implementation geared for your business growth.