Run Or Walk To Remember...

You can help honour the legacy of our diggers this Remembrance Day by taking part in the Red Run on Sunday, 5 November 2017.

The Red Run is no ordinary fun run. With active involvement from current and ex-service personnel, tunes from the 7th Brigade band, and military equipment on display, this event is a tribute to the brave men and women who have served our country.

The Red Run is proud to be supporting official charity partner the Gallipoli Medical Research Foundation. As a Red Runner, you will be honouring the past by working for a better future for our veterans and the wider Australian community.

Proud sponsor, Kedron-Wavell Services Club, will host the Red Run and the market-feel event precinct, pre and post race.

Donations received by the Gallipoli Medical Research Foundation will be directed to innovative research in veteran mental health and liver cancer.

Your support could make all the difference. Red Runners are asked to raise a minimum of $250 for the work of the Gallipoli Medical Research Foundation. By doing so, you'll be part of life-changing medical research, and as a bonus you'll get a Red Run T-shirt once you hit your fundraising target!

Sign up now to make your act of remembrance:
5km: $50 Adult | $40 Child
10km: $55 Adult | $45 Child
Family deals available

The information and offering contained in this message is provided by the BNCC as information only and has not been reviewed, endorsed or recommended by the BNCC in any way.

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