Digital Marketing Grant Available

Online marketing can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially if you don't know where to start.  Fortunately this program could provide your small businesses with access to digital technologies and services, enabling you to work smarter and allowing you to make the most of online business opportunities this year.  Contact Vividus Marketing, a member of the BNCC for further information on this grant and assistance completing the application.
 The Queensland Government has funded a program to help small businesses grow through their online presence. The Small Business Digital Grant covers a range of digital marketing services offered by Vividus including:

  • Internet marketing
  • Social media
  • Web pages
  • Mobile apps
  • Digital planning
  • Advice or training

All Queensland based small businesses can apply, so if you want to achieve better results for your business through online opportunities, you should consider talking to us about your application for this grant.

There are three application rounds with the next round opening in March 2017 - so start preparing by completing the Expression of Interest Form on Vividus Marketing’s website. Vividus can assist you with the information required to lodge your application.

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