Kedron State High School - World of Work Program

We value the local community and our students and families appreciate your support. We are calling on our community to support our students again in 2017 for Work Experience/Work Placement.

Work Experience is part of the schools' educational program where students experience the world of work, often for the first time. It is the short-term placement of secondary school students with employers, to provide insights into the industry, and the workplace in which they are located. Students are placed with employers primarily to observe and learn - not to undertake activities which require extensive training or expertise.

These programs are usually undertaken by students in Year 10 for 2 days with some opportunities in Years 11 to gain further experience for 1 week. Work experience provides a general introduction to the 'world of work'. At Kedron we have two programs running throughout the year. Students in Year 11 & 12 are offered the opportunity to undertake structured work placement for 1 week during June 2017. Students in Year 10 are offered the same opportunity for 2 days.

We are still looking for work placements for the Year 10 Program:

Boys - Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 August 2017
Girls - Thursday 17 and Friday 18 August 2017

We are currently seeking your assistance to act as hosts for our students during this period. If you are willing to host one or more students could you please indicate your Expression of interest and return it to us via email below. Once we have received your expression of interest we will allocate students based on the information you provide us.

We appreciate your participation in the 2017 Work Experience at Kedron State High and value your ongoing support of our student's development.

If you would like more information please do not hesitate to contact our Industry Liaison Officer Nicole Tinney on VET@kedronSHS.eq.edu.au or (07) 3630 3375.

The information and offering contained in this message is provided by the BNCC as information only and has not been reviewed, endorsed or recommended by the BNCC in any way.

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