Disaster assistance loans for SEQ small businesses

Support for small businesses, primary producers and not-for-profits affected by SEQ severe storms.

Through the Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA), concessional loans have been activated for SEQ businesses impacted by recent severe storms.  

Small businesses, primary producers and not-for-profits in the Logan, Scenic Rim and Gold Coast local government areas can apply for:   

Disaster Assistance concessional loans

• Up to $250,000 for producers and small businesses and $100,000 for not-for-profits to repair or replace damaged assets like plant and equipment, to repair premises, or to replace stock and maintain liquidity.

Essential Working Capital loans

• Up to $100,000 for producers, small businesses and not-for-profits to allow for the continuation of operations, including paying wages, rents or rates, purchasing items such as fuel, fodder and water, or for the transportation of livestock and produce.

Freight subsidies

• Freight subsidies are also being made available to primary producers to alleviate the costs of moving stock and operating materials.
• Up to $5,000 for primary producers to assist with the movement of stock, feed, machinery, fuel, water, and building or fencing materials.

To apply for a loan, or if you have any questions regarding the application process, contact the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA) via 1800 623 946 or www.qrida.qld.gov.au .

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