Working With A Photographer or creative service provider

Are you a small or medium business owner who wants to engage a photographer or creative service provider but you’re not sure how to start? Maybe you’ve made inquiries but you’re unsure if you’re approaching things the ‘right’ way.

BNCC member and Social Media Photographer, Amber Pace, and freelance communications professional, Dr Michaela Jackson, have designed a one-hour workshop that explains how to work effectively with creative service providers.

Together Amber and Michaela draw on several years’ professional experience from both client and service-provider perspectives to provide information and insights in a supportive and accessible way.

From our experience, many small businesses want to gain access to this kind of advice, but may not have anyone in their existing networks they can ask’, said Michaela.

Participants will come away from the one-hour session with an understanding of how the process works, how to prepare a brief, and how to get the most value for your business.

Places are strictly limited to 12 participants. Enrol today via Eventbright or contact info@drmichaelajackson.com for more information.

Next workshop:

12:30 – 1:30pm
Wednesday 11 April 2018
Meeting room 4D
State Library of Queensland
Tickets: $40pp via Eventbright


The information and offering contained in this message is provided by the BNCC as information only and has not been reviewed, endorsed or recommended by the BNCC in any way.

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