Get to know ...

Belinda Shaw is a member of the Brisbane North Chamber of Commerce Executive Committee

As CEO of No BS Business Strategies, Belinda helps business owners and senior managers with clarity and direction through her specialised 4 Steps to Ultimate Business Success Program.

The program helps businesses struggling with change and risk as they look to move to their next phase of growth.

Belinda says effective change management is all about having a sure-fire system and structure that enables a team to head in the right direction.

“I love working with CEOs and owners to get a crystal-clear vision and mission and then taking that to the team."

“Getting everyone on board for the ultimate success of your business puts me in my happy place.”

Belinda has been a member of the chamber since January 2016 and says BNCC is a great place to build business connections.

“In a world of ‘Hi Tech’ v ‘Hi Touch’, BNCC provides an opportunity to meet people face to face on a regular basis. For me, ‘Hi Touch’ wins every time.”

Away from the office Belinda helps mentor students involved in the $20 Boss entrepreneurial program at Earnshaw State College. She is also on the organising committee for this year’s 10 x 10 Philanthropy event in Brisbane.

To contact Belinda directly call 0413 464 289, email Belinda @nobsbusiness.com.au or to find out more about her business visits www.nobsbuiness.com.au

Finally if you’re concerned about creating stability in the workplace and would like to learn more about Belinda’s 4 Step program why not sign up to her forthcoming Progress Business Workshop on 20 April. The workshop, How to Create a Business that doesn’t need you every day, is being delivered in conjunction with Tameka Bramwell from Bramwell Partners.

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