Celebrating International Women’s Day

The Brisbane North Chamber of Commerce recently celebrated International Women’s Day 2018 with a breakfast event at Kedron Wavell Services Club.

Guest speaker was founder of the One Woman Project, Madeline Price, who spoke about her passion for addressing global gender inequality

More than 65 guests at the breakfast heard Madeline describe how she was inspired to start the volunteer-led project during a gap year trip to Cambodia.

“On a visit to a small village I noticed how all the students in school were boys."
“This opened my eyes to the fact girls weren’t being given a chance to get ahead.”

From that initial spark the One Women Project was born and has today grown to include volunteers in Australia, Asia and Africa.

This year the project will run workshops throughout Queensland, reaching more than 6000 people as it seeks to raise awareness of gender inequality.

The BNCC 2018 International Women’s Day Breakfast was proudly sponsored by wealth management firm Yellow Brick Road at Brendale.

Raffle proceeds from the event went to DV Connect, the domestic violence crisis support service which currently helps place on average 600 women and 500 children into safety every month.

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