Get to know …

Dan Buzer, Profit Mechanics

Dan Buzer is the co-owner and co-director of Profit Mechanics.

Profit Mechanics is a program which helps ‘self-motivated’ business people to use simple, proven and effective strategies to get results.

“We help business owners to see what they’re currently getting from their business, to be clear about what they would like to achieve and to understand how well they’re tracking toward that goal.”

Profit Mechanics’ clients:

  • Are focused on investing money to find an effective solution quickly, rather than wasting time and money on avoidable trial and error
  • Are experienced self-motivated, goal-oriented business owners
  • Are ethical, growth-focused and enjoy being challenged.

Dan believes many business advisors struggle to find enough suitable clients.

“Profit Mechanics has a solution which connects coaches, consultants and mentors with suitable prospective clients in a way that doesn’t require cold calling, advertising or manipulation. By learning more about what people in business are working on, we introduce people to each other for potential win/win relationships.”

As a member of the BNCC executive Dan runs the induction workshop for members every few months. The workshops help people in business to learn strategies to apply to their business, how to confidently get involved with the Chamber and how to best connect with other people in business.

“Being a member of the Chamber is incredibly rewarding, it provides great opportunities to meet new people and learn about their organisations. The sponsored talks by local business people are always interesting and leave you with plenty of helpful ideas to take away.”

To learn more about how the Profit Mechanics program can help your business contact Dan on 0414 567 188 or email dan@profitmechanics.net

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