A host of budding young entrepreneurs have shown the future of business is in safe hands during the final day of the Brisbane Northside Australian Business Week (ABW) program.

This year’s ABW event saw eleven student teams competing from five schools.

The ABW program requires each team to form an Australian company and manage all aspects of marketing, operational and financial performance over a simulated two-year period.

Final judging took place at Hillbrook Anglican School and culminated in teams showcasing their company’s performance via written reports, trade displays and a live presentation. Teams even developed their own company logos and websites as part of the program.

The Brisbane North Chamber of Commerce has been a proud supporter of the ABW program since its inception in 2002. The chamber provides medals and a perpetual trophy for the winning teams.

In addition, a number of chamber members helped to judge and support the young participants.

This year’s overall senior winners were ‘Biomedical Electronics’ from Hilllbrook Anglican School, while ‘Private Eye Technology’ from Earnshaw State College took out the junior category.

“It was wonderful to see the creative talents of all the students and their enthusiasm”. Maureen Cuskelly, Michael Hill Jewellers, Display Judge

“I really enjoyed the experience and it was an absolute pleasure to be able to sit and listen to all the great presentations from the teams”. Mark Cusack, Cusack Communications, Report and Presentation Judge

“All entries were good and would have been a great learning experience for them all, some "possibly ‘Shark Tank’ material in the future!!” Jenny Marsden, Plan Ahead Events, Display Judge

“It was a great experience, and I really enjoyed seeing the students’ presentations”. Judy Gregory, Northside Meetings with The Letter Lounge, Presentation Judge

Further information about the annual ABW program and the chamber’s involvement can be found here.

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